Indoor Golf Tournament: All 6 of us girls, plus our driver, enter in the "Civitan Indoor Golf Tournament" each year, this year was a BLAST!! Had our shirts made at the last minute, like normal.....forgot a golf ball, we had to steal one from the boys. (I'm surprised we didn't lose it). To keep our record of last place, we played AWESOME........but we still managed to get last place! Which they give a prize for last place....................we got golf passes, I'm thinking they are trying to tell us something!!!!
Morgan's 14th Birthday: We went to Malad for her dance competition and gave her her birthday presents. She FINALLY got a phone...........PURE EXCITEMENT!!!
Random: A picture of Jason & I (that I took myself and cut the top of our heads off)
You guys are so cute together just thought i'd let ya know that. We heard soon after Morgan got her phone she called Clara Jean and told her and then was texting Jevan. lol! I hope you don't mind i found your blog off off Morgan's. You guys coming down in May? Hopefully we'll see ya there.
-michelle and jevan weeks
Love the update and glad you are well!
It was Pure Excitement haha Love Morgan
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